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I am a daughter of the King of kings, bookworm, organized, fangirl, writer, smashbooker, and photographer. I love to make and preserve memories!

Tuesday 26 August 2014

Bottle Cap Magnets

Bottle Cap Magnets in 3 easy steps

What you'll need:
- bottle caps (the retro soda pop kind)
- an old magnetic notepad or magnet strips or magnet tape
- foam squares (the medium size- I once tried with small ones but they would fall off. Any size that fits your bottle cap just about right will work fine. See the photo below)
- scissors

1. Take your magnetic strip off of the old notepad.  Size it to the foam squares, then cut accordingly.

2. Put the foam squares into the bottle cap. I used two so that they came just out from the edge, but you can use more. Leave the top one with the sticky side up.

3. Put the cut magnet strip onto the sticky foam square. You may want to put extra glue on the magnet strip before attaching it to the bottle cap. If glue was used, let dry.

If you want a more retro look, scrape off the logo with a sharp knife and/or sandpaper.

And you are finished! Enjoy your finished product!


Clare Lauren

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